PRB: A Committed Partner in Kenya
PRB has worked intensively in Kenya since 1998, with support from the U.S. Agency for International Development and in collaboration with local and international organizations, government institutions, decision makers, and the media to highlight the importance of population, family planning, and reproductive health as key development initiatives. PRB is committed to helping Kenya realize its Vision 2030 goals by raising the profile of family planning on the national agenda and focusing attention on its role in saving lives, improving health, and advancing development.
In 2010 under the IDEA project, PRB produced the ENGAGE presentation “Kenya Leading the Way” that was presented as a keynote address at the Leaders Conference for Population and Development. One of the presentation’s key messages, “family planning is a best buy”, was incorporated into the conference resolutions, plan of action, and final report, and these were disseminated widely throughout the country.
With PRB IDEA support, NCPD has brought together high level policymakers, stakeholders, and donors through a series of forums and retreats, and developed and disseminated various advocacy materials to help make the case for Kenya’s 2012 Population Policy for National Development.
At the local level, PRB’s “Kenya Leading the Way” presentation has been shown to more than 40 county governments, including select counties where PRB and NCPD are piloting advocacy strategies aimed at adding a line item for family planning to the county budgets. Among those, by July 2015, both Bungoma and Embu counties had firm family planning line items in their 2016-2017 program year budgets.
View the full report, which includes a timeline with more details about PRB’s work in Kenya over the years.