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U.S. Sports Teams: Demographic Changes Expand Franchises

(2006) As the population of the United States grew from 200 million to 300 million from 1967 to 2006, some fast-growing major metropolitan areas scored big time in the major league sports arena. Phoenix went from zero to four major sports teams.

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In Rural Mali, Small Businesses Are Key to Women’s Empowerment and Economic Development

In early 2011, Pietronella van den Oever, PRB visiting scholar,visited the Malian staff and villagers she worked with in a UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) rural training project in the mid-1970s. As part of PRB's 2011-2012 Policy Seminar series, she discussed her recent research on the project's results, which continue to be economically and socially important 40 years later.

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Project: PACE: Policy, Advocacy, and Communication Enhanced for Population and Reproductive Health

Gender Community of Practice Launches New Website

For 20 years, the Interagency Gender Working Group (IGWG) has been a valuable resource and networking space for gender professionals across sectors. The new IGWG website will continue to serve as an important hub for gender and development materials.

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Lutter contre la malnutrition avec des moyens autres que la croissance du revenu

(Octobre 2012) La malnutrition contribue à 2,6 millions de décès d'enfants chaque année dans le monde, soit plus d'un décès sur trois de l’ensemble des décès infantiles.

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