Improving Nutrition and Food Security Through Family Planning: An ENGAGE Presentation
- Presentation in HTML5 (ZIP: 119MB) (Mac-compatible. Right-click and choose “save link as” to save to your computer. Note: You must have the entire FP-Nutrition-Food Security-HTML5 folder with all of the files inside as provided in order for the presentation to run correctly. When moving or copying the presentation, make sure to keep the entire folder and its contents inside.)
- Presentation Guide, includes Script and Key Messages Handout (PDF: 1.39MB)
- Download Family Planning and Nutrition Snapshot (MP4: 111MB) (Right-click and choose “save link as” to save to your computer)
- Download Family Planning and Food Security Snapshot (MP4:118MB) (Right-click and choose “save link as” to save to your computer)
The goal of “Improving Nutrition and Food Security Through Family Planning” is to raise awareness and understanding among decision makers about how family planning can help improve key measures of nutrition for mothers, infants, and children, as well as improve food security on a broader scale. Ultimately, the aim is to start a critical policy dialogue to encourage integration of family planning into nutrition and food security policies, strategies, action plans, and programs throughout the world, particularly in Asia and Africa. As such, this presentation can be used as a tool to not only raise awareness, but also to mobilize political commitment and resources. Target audiences include government policymakers, civic and religious leaders, health sector leaders, program officials, nutrition and family planning advocates, agriculture and food security leaders, journalists, and others.
The content for this presentation was drawn from two reviews conducted as part of the Health Policy Project (HPP): Impacts of Family Planning on Nutrition and Impacts of Family
Planning on Food Security. These reports can be found at www.healthpolicyproject.com/index.cfm?id=publications&get=pubID&pubId=690. They include a full set of references and also offer more extensive
detail and explanation about the data and content showcased in the multimedia presentation. Two policy
briefs based on these reports can be found at www.healthpolicyproject.com/index.cfm?id=publications&get=pubID&pubID=691 and www.healthpolicyproject.com/index.cfm?id=%20publications&get=pubID&pubId=692.
Developed under the USAID-funded
“Improving Nutrition and Food Security Through Family Planning” is available with and without a voiceover, in English and in French. The presentation can be downloaded from the PRB website or streamed via PRB’s YouTube channel in English and in French; CD-ROMs are also available on request. A presentation guide is available to provide facilitators with skills and resources to effectively deliver and lead discussion about the presentation.
With funding from the U.S. Agency for International Development, IDEA—Informing Decisionmakers to Act—increases support among policy audiences for effective health and population programs around the world. By increasing the flow of accurate, understandable information about population, family planning, and reproductive health to policy audiences, IDEA enhances efforts carried out by civil society, the public sector, the development community, and donors. Under IDEA, PRB has developed a series of dynamic multimedia ENGAGE presentations to engage global leaders and country-level policymakers in issues related to family planning, reproductive health, and other key development issues.