Malawi: Investing in Our Future Now
Malawi: Investing in Our Future Now
May 9, 2012
- Download presentation with narration (English MP4: 57MB | Chichewa MP4: 466MB)
- Presentation guide (PDF: 6.4MB)
- Key messages handout (English PDF: 1.9MB | Chichewa PDF: 3.29MB)
(May 2012) “Malawi: Investing in Our Future Now” is an ENGAGE multimedia presentation that illustrates the links between rapid population growth, family planning and development, and highlights the advances Malawi has made and the challenges it still faces as it strives to become a middle-income country. Exploring the impact of rapid population growth at the national and the family level, the presentation underscores the importance of addressing rapid population growth and meeting unmet need for family planning in order to reduce poverty and achieve national development goals.
“Malawi: Investing in Our Future Now” was created by PRB in collaboration with the Ministry of Economic and Development Planning, the Ministry of Health, and a task force comprised of population specialists, reproductive health experts, academics, and advocates. The presentation was supported by USAID Malawi under the Informing Decisionmakers to Act (IDEA) project.
“Malawi: Investing in Our Future Now” is available with a voiceover in English and in Chichewa. A shortened version of the presentation and a version without a voiceover (both in English) are available on request. The presentation can be streamed or downloaded on the PRB website or streamed via PRB’s YouTube channel; CD-ROMs are also available on request. A user’s guide and key messages handout (in English and Chichewa) are also available to provide facilitators with skills and resources to effectively deliver the presentation.
With funding from the U.S. Agency for International Development, IDEA—>Informing Decisionmakers to Act—increases support among policy audiences for effective health and population programs around the world. By increasing the flow of accurate, understandable information about population, family planning, and reproductive health to policy audiences, IDEA enhances efforts carried out by civil society, the public sector, the development community, and donors. Under IDEA, PRB has developed a series of dynamic multimedia ENGAGE presentations to engage global leaders and country-level policymakers in issues related to family planning, reproductive health, and other key development issues.