1 Trends in the Prevalence and Incidence of Dementia: Causes, Disparities, and Projections for the Future, A Supplement to the Journals of Gerontology: Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences 73, no. S1 (May 2018).

The share of older Americans with dementia is decreasing, but the total number will rise as the large baby boomer population ages and more people live longer. While education gives older adults an edge, reducing their dementia risk, racial and socioeconomic disparities in dementia are large and persistent. The most effective way to reduce dementia prevalence in the future is to postpone its onset through preventive strategies and treatments.
This infographic summarizes the latest demographic research on dementia trends, published in a 2018 special supplement to Journals of Gerontology.1 It distills key findings from the supplement’s seven articles for policymakers and public health professionals as they plan for an aging population.