If you’ve followed PRB for a while, you know that we’re committed champions of data. But why?
Because data are the backbone of evidence-based decisions.
Because data allow individuals, organizations, businesses, and governments to make choices that are rooted in science and precedent.
Because data enable us to build on existing knowledge—which is not only the key to innovation and progress, but also our only safeguard against repeating the mistakes of the past.
Data should not be political—they should be sacred. Threats to the quality and accessibility of data are not just threats to our ideals; they are also threats to the health and well-being of individuals and communities across the globe. This belief has driven PRB to work with partners in the United States, Africa, Asia, and beyond for nearly a century; it drives us still today, and it fortifies us for tomorrow.
So long as people strive to make the world a better place, we will continue to defend the data that help them do so.
Jennifer D. Sciubba, President and CEO
Population Reference Bureau
About PRB
PRB promotes and supports evidence-based policies, practices and decision-making to improve the health and well-being of people throughout the world. Find out more at prb.org. Follow us @PRBdata.