
Press Releases and Media Resources


December 9, 2020
Lucile Packard Foundation Selects PRB as New Home for

October 28, 2020
PRB Receives $1.5 Million Award to Support Youth Family Planning Policy and Advocacy in Sub-Saharan Africa and Asia

October 19, 2020
PRB Appoints Robert Crosnoe, Patricia Foxen and Kyler Sherman-Wilkins to its Board of Trustees

July 10, 2020
Population of Older Adults Increasing Globally Partly Because of Declining Fertility Rates, Says PRB

June 30, 2020
2020 U.S. Census Self-Response Rates Are Lagging in Neighborhoods at Risk of Undercounting Young Children, Says PRB

June 11, 2020
The African Population and Health Research Center and PRB Join Forces to Support Polices on Gender and Women’s Health in Sub-Saharan Africa


African Population and Health Research Center (APHRC) et PRB unissent leurs forces pour soutenir les politiques sur le genre et la santé des femmes en Afrique Subsaharienne

May 14, 2020
Stress and Fear Could Take a Toll on Our Health During the Coronavirus Pandemic

May 5, 2020
This Mother’s Day, Family Life Is More Complicated Than Ever— And Coronavirus is Making it Worse

April 20, 2020
PRB and CRSD Release New Videos to Support Coronavirus Outreach to Faith Communities in West Africa

Le PRB et le CRSD soutiennent la sensibilisation des communautés religieuses d’Afrique de l’Ouest face au coronavirus

February 5, 2020
Research Identifies New Strategies to Reduce Undercount of Young Children in 2020 Census

January 23, 2020
PRB Wins $30-million Award from USAID for Project to Accelerate Reductions in Global Maternal and Child Deaths

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