Policy Communication Toolkit

Module 5: Negotiations & Accountability

In the Negotiations & Accountability module, participants learn how to negotiate policy commitments and to trackand monitor a commitment through implementation. Participants learn how to adapt their approach in the negotiation process, with a particular focus on influencing budget changes with ministries of finance. This session is particularly valuable for advocacy efforts to hold policymakers accountable for commitments.

At the conclusion of this module, participants will be able to:

  1. Describe how policy solutions may evolve as they move through stages of the policy process, with a special focus on budget commitments.
  2. Identify entry points for advocates in a typical national budget process. Describe how to identify and document effective strategies and/or barriers that may have contributed to the success or failure of policy communication and negotiation efforts..
  3. Identify common steps of a national budget process and entry points for advocates.
  4. Describe how to track, monitor, and map implementation of policy communication efforts to identify likely causes of setbacks when goals are not achieved.

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What Next? Why Negotiation Matters in the Policy Process (NA1L)

Time: 45 min.

This presentation reviews how and why proposed policy solutions evolve, adapt, and often become less ambitious as they are pushed through the final stages of the policy process, with a special focus on budgetary allocations and disbursements. It also includes introductory information about core negotiation skills and techniques.


How Can Research Influence Negotiation? (NA2L)

Time: 45 min.

This presentation explores the role of evidence and on-going data collection in promoting accountability once a policy has been developed and agreement secured. Focusing on the later stages of the policy process, the session reviews how to identify ongoing and future data needs once a solution has been proposed and is being implemented.


Research in Negotiation Case Study: Maternal Health in Tanzania (NA3E)

Time: 40 min.

Working in small groups, participants will answer a series of questions based on a case study of advocating and negotiating for maternal health funding in Tanzania. This discussion allows participants to see principles from sessions NA1L and NA2L through a real-life advocacy campaign.


Required Preparation

Budget Mapping (NA4L)

Time: 25 min.

This session introduces participants to a typical national budget cycle with a particular focus on health. Within the context of a budget cycle, the presentation highlights entry points for advocacy. This session is most effective when paired with a guest speaker who can address specifics of the budget process in the country or region of your training (supplementary session NAS1D).


Budget Mapping Exercise (NA5E)

Time: 45 min.

Using the understanding of a typical budget cycle as outlined in session NA4L, this exercise asks participants to complete as much information as they know for their focus country. Completing this exercise allows participants to identify what budget process information they still need to plan a thoughtful budget negotiation.


Parliamentary Committee Hearing (NA6E)

Time: 1 hr. 30 min.

Participants are assigned to play the roles of key stakeholders (experts/advocates in favor and opposed; committee members, and members of parliament in favor and opposed) in a mock hearing of the parliamentary budget committee. Participants work in teams to develop a strategy, and then the entire group simulates the full scenario. The mock hearing has three phases: statements by experts in favor of and opposed to the proposed budget allocation; debate by parliamentarians; and vote.


Documenting Success and Overcoming Failure (NA7L)

Time: 20 min.

Participants learn to identify and document the successful steps and/or barriers that may have contributed to a favorable or unfavorable policy outcome, and reformulate data generation and policy communications to have a greater likelihood of success in the future given a specific context.


Success and Failure Exercise (NA8E)

Time: 30 min.

Building on their understanding of how to document success and overcome failure, participants complete an exercise to map the steps of advocacy implementation and identify causes of setbacks.


Supplemental Activities

The Budget Process (NAS1D)

Time: 1 hr. 30 min.

This session offers an opportunity for an expert to discuss the budget negotiation process in a particular country, or for an advocate to present a case of successful family planning budget advocacy. This session can help make the content of this module relevant to the specific budget process of a given country.
