Technical Director, Demographic Research
Expertise: Demographic Estimation and Forecasting, Global Demographic Trends, Population Aging, Policy Communication
Toshiko Kaneda joined PRB in 2004. She has 20+ years of experience conducting demographic research and analysis, and communicating population and health issues to policymakers, journalists, and the public. Dr. Kaneda has written more than 70 research and policy communication publications on a range of topics, including noncommunicable diseases, population aging, health care access, reproductive health and family planning, climate adaptation, big data, and digital health. Dr. Kaneda directs data analysis for the World Population Data Sheet and provides technical guidance on demographic and statistical methods within PRB and with external partners. She also directs PRB’s U.S. Policy Communications Training Program, which trains U.S. doctoral students to translate scientific research findings for non-scientific audiences, and leads PRB’s analytical contribution to the Demographics of African Faculty project in the East Africa Community (DAF-EAC).
Dr. Kaneda has been interviewed by various media outlets, including the Associated Press, BBC, Businessweek, National Geographic, Nature, and the Wall Street Journal. Prior to joining PRB, Dr. Kaneda was a Bernard Berelson Fellow at the Population Council. She holds a Ph.D. in sociology from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, where she was a predoctoral trainee at the Carolina Population Center.