
2023 World Population Data Sheet Media Briefs

These two media briefs provide journalists with tools to report stories on climate change using population data to understand who it affects and how their lives are changing.

With current data on more than 200 countries and territories, PRB’s World Population Data Sheet offers essential context for journalists reporting on policy, public services, health, climate, and other critical issues shaped by population shifts. The Data Sheet provides a comprehensive view of where and how populations live, projecting trends in growth, decline, and factors affecting population change. Each year’s special focus takes an in-depth look at a topic like climate adaptation so we can better understand what the data show and why it matters. PRB provides media resources that guide journalists on how to report on these complex topics for their communities.

Two media briefs explore climate adaptation and resilience, a special focus of the 2023 World Population Data Sheet. They demystify key concepts and provide journalists with causes, consequences, and examples of this issue.

  • Brief 1 explains climate change, adaptation, and resilience; and defines these often-misunderstood terms.
  • Brief 2 unpacks how to use climate and demographic data to report on climate change and adaptation.