Malawi District Infographic Fact Sheets
September 23, 2014
Focus Area
While there are a lot of data available to support population advocacy efforts, there is little capacity to use the data to inform policy audiences and support prioritizing population in the national development agenda. PRB worked in consultation with the Population Unit of the Division of Development Planning at the Ministry of Finance, Economic Planning and Development and the Family Planning Association of Malawi to develop infographic fact sheets on population and development indicators for all 28 districts in Malawi. These fact sheets are resource materials and were disseminated during the roll-out of Malawi’s revised population policy in 2013 and during media trainings.
Central Districts
- Dedza (PDF: English | Chichewa)
- Dowa (PDF: English | Chichewa)
- Kasungu (PDF: English | Chichewa)
- Lilongwe (PDF: English | Chichewa)
- Mchinji (PDF: English | Chichewa)
- Nkhotakota (PDF: English | Chichewa)
- Ntcheu (PDF: English | Chichewa)
- Ntchisi (PDF: English | Chichewa)
- Salima (PDF: English | Chichewa)
Northern Districts
- Chitipa (PDF: English | Chichewa)
- Karonga (PDF: English | Chichewa)
- Mzimba (PDF: English | Chichewa)
- Nkhata Bay and Likoma (PDF: English | Chichewa)
- Rumphi (PDF: English | Chichewa)
Southern Districts
- Balaka (PDF: English | Chichewa)
- Blantyre (PDF: English | Chichewa)
- Chikhwawa (PDF: English | Chichewa)
- Chiradzulu (PDF: English | Chichewa)
- Machinga (PDF: English | Chichewa)
- Mangochi (PDF: English | Chichewa)
- Mulanje (PDF: English | Chichewa)
- Mwanza (PDF: English | Chichewa)
- Neno (PDF: English | Chichewa)
- Nsanje (PDF: English | Chichewa)
- Phalombe (PDF: English | Chichewa)
- Thyolo (PDF: English | Chichewa)
- Zomba (PDF: English | Chichewa)