We Are Kenya’s Future: Young People and Our Nation’s Growth
We Are Kenya’s Future: Young People and Our Nation’s Growth
In response to the need for action on adolescent and youth issues in Kenya, PRB partnered with Centre for the Study of Adolescence (CSA) to develop a new multimedia product on young people and the demographic dividend. With generous support from USAID Kenya and East Africa through the Policy, Advocacy, and Communication Enhanced for Population and Reproductive Health (PACE) Project, and in collaboration with a Youth Advisory Group convened by CSA, PRB has created a short video that empowers young people to understand their importance to Kenya’s economic growth.
This video is intended to engage decisionmakers on the importance of investments in youth to achieve a demographic dividend in Kenya. Accompanied by ongoing workshops for youth advocates in Kenya on how to communicate with policymakers on this topic, this video is part of a PACE-led strategy to empower youth advocates to engage with policymakers on the demographic dividend. Kenyan youth advocates at national and county levels are leading the way in ensuring stronger policy commitments to youth and more meaningful participation from youth in decisionmaking processes. A discussion guide was developed as a tool for advocates.