April Houston
Former Media Training Manager
PACE training toolkit designed for youth advocates to teach each other policy advocacy, communication, and multimedia storytelling skills.
March 31, 2022
Former Media Training Manager
Young changemakers often struggle to make themselves heard by policymakers and others in powerful positions, who may be too busy with or distracted by their own priorities to take time to hear youth perspectives.
We Will Be Heard! A Multimedia Advocacy Toolkit for Young People Fighting for Change was developed for youth advocates to teach each other policy advocacy, communication, and multimedia storytelling skills. Training participants will learn how to present their messages in a professional, attractive, and effective way so they might persuade individual supporters, community leaders, powerholders, and policymakers to take action in support of a policy goal.
Three modules and 11 units of training materials are included, beginning with foundational concepts of leadership and advocacy, moving on to effective communication skills, and ending with lessons meant to guide participants through creating their own multimedia advocacy campaigns. Each unit includes a slide deck with speaker notes, a facilitator’s guide, and at least one practical exercise to allow learners to practice the knowledge and skills they are developing. Facilitators are encouraged to supplement toolkit material with information and examples from participants’ local context, and to solicit additional training support from local experts, advocates, and media professionals if they are available.
Please take a moment to fill out the form below to help us better understand how the Youth Multimedia Advocacy Toolkit is being put to use.
Photo courtesy of Bridge Connect Africa Initiative.