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Zika Crisis Highlights Importance of Family Planning
This article looks at countries that experienced significant Zika virus transmission and how they rate in terms of unmet need for family planning satisfied by modern contraceptive methods.
Fewer Malaria Cases in Cambodia
(2002) According to the World Health Organization (WHO), around 300 million people worldwide suffer from malaria each year resulting in at least 1 million deaths.
Au Sénégal, les prostituées sensibilisent la population au SIDA
(2000) La Communauté sénégalaise du SIDA vient en nombre assister aux réunions du Conseil d'administration d'une association locale de femmes appelée AWA. Les conseillers des Nations Unies, le personnel médical, les représentants d'organisations non gouvernementales et le programme national sur le SIDA viennent faire honneur aux femmes pour leur leadership dans la lutte contre le SIDA.

Project: PACE: Policy, Advocacy, and Communication Enhanced for Population and Reproductive Health
Favoriser La Croissance Economique, L’equite Et La Resilience En Afrique Subsaharienne: Le Role De La Planification Familiale
The International Response to HIV/AIDS
(2002) With its poverty and underdeveloped health systems and other infrastructures, it is certain that Africa will not be able to bring the HIV/AIDS epidemic under control as rapidly as it needs to if the continent has to rely only on its own resources.
Obesity Creeping Up on Less Developed Countries
(2005) In the developed world, obesity is an object of everyday conversation and mounting public concern. But a silent epidemic of obesity-related diseases—among them, cardiovascular diseases, stroke, and Type-2 diabetes—is also spreading rapidly across poor and middle-income countries, where such illnesses have been overshadowed by infectious diseases and undernutrition.