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From Paper to Practice: How PRB Supports Researchers to Put Their Results Into Action

Through the Research Technical Assistance Center (RTAC), PRB helps researchers communicate their work more effectively to target audiences with workshops, toolkits, webinars, and product development.

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HIV/AIDS and Contemporary Population Dynamics

HIV/AIDS emerged in the late 20th century. Believed to have originated in Africa, the disease has spread worldwide. Occurrence of HIV/AIDS and primary means of diffusion vary among regions. Because of the social and economic impacts of this disease, students should have a good understanding of the patterns and processes that define the spread of the disease.

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Urban Population to Become the New Majority Worldwide

(2007) For the first time, more than half the world's population will be living in cities and towns by next year, according to the State of World Population 2007 report from the United Nations.

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PRB Discuss Online: Integrating Equity Goals Into Family Planning Policies and Development Agendas

(2010) Policies are the foundation for building high-quality, sustainable family planning programs. However, while countries aspire to enhance equity and alleviate poverty, they all too often fail to articulate clear equity-based goals for family planning policies and strategies.

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Ukraine’s Demographic Reality

(2014) Ukraine, a former republic of the Soviet Union, has undergone a series of dramatic demographic changes since its independence in 1991. Most significant, its birth rate declined sharply following independence, mirroring similar developments in other former Soviet republics.

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Progress in U.S. Women’s Well-Being Stalled in Recent Generations

(2017) The level of well-being of young American women (ages 16 to 34) rose significantly for members of the Baby Boom generation but hit a wall for women in subsequent generations, the Population Reference Bureau (PRB) concludes in a new report.

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