UNIDOS US: By the Numbers–Latinos in the Time of Coronavirus
Latino workers and families have been disproportionately impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic across nearly every aspect of their lives, which will have repercussions for years to come.
Latino workers and families have been disproportionately impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic across nearly every aspect of their lives, which will have repercussions for years to come.
“The employers who think more creatively about policies are the ones who are going to come out ahead in the next couple of decades,” Elliott said.
(2010) Family planning is one of the most cost-effective health interventions in the developing world.
What information does a census collect? The answer depends on when and where in time the census was taken.
(2008) In the latter half of the last century, the world's developed nations completed a long process of demographic transition.1
(2011) Around the globe, family planning has been integrated with maternal and child health services for some years, even decades. In countries where integration is a key element of the health system, birth rates have fallen as more women have been able to avoid unintended pregnancies.
(2010) Most poor children achieve less, exhibit more problem behaviors, and are less healthy than children raised in more-affluent families. Looking beyond these well-known correlations between poverty and negative outcomes in childhood, recent studies have assessed the effects of childhood poverty in the United States on later attainment and health.
(2008) Globalization helped increase incomes in Canada, the United States, and Mexico for more than 10 years, but left many children vulnerable economically.
(2002) Recently released population estimates for Russia confirm the accelerating population decline that has been underway since the breakup of the Soviet Union more than a decade ago.