495 Search Results Found For : " ʸī rqc912.top Ʈ 继īƮ Time slot ¶īƢ ػ罺 Ȧ PC ī Ȳ"

Project: PACE: Policy, Advocacy, and Communication Enhanced for Population and Reproductive Health
Municipality-Level Estimates of Adolescent Fertility in Nepal
Municipality-level estimates of adolescent fertility in Nepal allow decisionmakers to more strategically invest family planning resources to address high adolescent fertility.

Counting Women’s Work: Time Use, Policy, and Economic Growth
Women’s time spent performing unpaid care work provides the foundation for healthy market economies. However, economic measures of national income only account for paid work and do not account for time women spend performing unpaid care and household services.
Racial Differences in Health Status and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States
(March 2011) Past research has extensively explored racial and ethnic disparities in health insurance coverage in the United States and found wide differences in the composition of the uninsured populations.
Volunteering and Health for Aging Populations
(2011) In the next two decades, the number of Americans age 55 orolder will swell from 76 million to 110 million as the large baby-boom generation continues to age.