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Some Kenyan Children Are Not in School Despite Free Primary Education

(2013) Despite a free primary education policy introduced by the Kenyan government in 2003, a substantial number of children who should benefit from it are still out of school, even though gains have been made between 1998 and 2009.

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2016 KIDS COUNT Data Book: How Are Children Faring?

The KIDS COUNT Data Book provides an up-to-date and detailed picture of how children are faring in the United States, nationally and in each state.

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Elements of Climate Resilience: The Foundations of a People-Centered Framework

The urgency of the climate crisis and its escalating impacts demand we respond with equal urgency to build adaptation and resilience, especially for the populations facing the worst effects.

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PRB Discuss Online: Environment, Poverty, and Security in Today’s World, What’s Population Got to Do With It?

(2007) How are environmental, poverty, and security trends in today's world affected by population dynamics? What is being done to address these issues? What is needed?

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Project: Research Technical Assistance Center (RTAC)

Scaling Up a Mobile Obstetric Triage and Referral System in Liberia

Researchers in Liberia developed and tested a mobile obstetric emergency system (MORES) that reduced decision-to-delivery time in Bong County.

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Changing Demographics Reshape Rural America

Trends shaping rural life in America include unprecedented population declines, a growing Hispanic population, a disproportionate share of military veterans, and a sharp increase in “deaths of despair”—related to suicide, alcohol abuse, and drug overdose.

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A Critical Window for Policymaking on Population Aging in Developing Countries

(2006) The world's elderly population is quickly growing, both in its absolute numbers and in its percentage relative to the younger population—the latter trend known as population aging.

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Occupational Earnings Gap

(2015) In the United States, full-time working women earn less than men, on average—even in female-dominated occupations (those in which women comprise 70 percent or more of workers), such as nurse practitioners, office clerks, and flight attendants.

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Genetics Make Quitting Difficult for Some Smokers

(2011) Today's smokers are more strongly influenced by genetic factors than in the past, and that influence makes it more difficult for them to quit, according to a new study of twins published in the December issue of the journal Demography.

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