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Project: American Community Survey and Decennial Census Support Services
Children Are at the Forefront of U.S. Racial and Ethnic Change
(2020) The U.S. population is undergoing rapid racial and ethnic change, led by growth of the Hispanic/Latino and Asian American populations. For policymakers and others, keeping track of these changes is important because some racial and ethnic groups are faring worse than others.
Parents’ Imprisonment Linked to Children’s Health, Behavioral Problems
(2014) U.S. children of incarcerated parents are an extremely vulnerable group, and much more likely to have behavioral problems and physical and mental health conditions than their peers, reports Kristin Turney, a University of California-Irvine sociologist.
Are the 58 Million Girls Who Married Early Overlooked by Policies and Programs?
(2011) Despite the recent attention to ending early marriage around the world, married adolescents remain invisible to many policymakers and program developers.
PRB Discuss Online: Integrating Family Planning and HIV Programs
(2010) There is an urgent need for stronger links between family planning/reproductive health and HIV policies, programs, and services.

Seven Lessons in Sustainability and Scalability for Digital Health Solutions
Updates to the mHealth Compendium’s family planning case studies highlight how programs have evolved, revealing insights on sustainability and scalability.
Project: Center for Public Information on Population Research (CPIPR)
Using Technology to Prevent Dating Violence and Improve College Safety
(2016) As many as one in every five teenagers and college students will experience some type of violence in intimate relationships or be the victim of stalking. Campuses across the United States are struggling with ways to support students and to stem potential abuse.
Dissecting China’s 2000 Census
(2001) After conducting what was arguably the world's most ambitious census ever last November, the Chinese government has begun to release the results.