Combined oral contraception is a daily pill that contains low doses of estrogen and progestin to prevent pregnancy. The method is a short-term reversible contraceptive option. Effectiveness depends on user’s adherence.
This segment from the ENGAGE presentation “Harnessing the Demographic Dividend” explains the changes necessary for countries to achieve a demographic dividend, and serves as a platform for leaders to discuss investments in youth, family planning, education, and the economy.
These infographics, fact sheet, and videos products will be used to help address misinformation about contraceptive methods and convince policymakers to fund family planning services.
(2018) Young people are critical to achieving global development goals such as the Sustainable Development Goals, Family Planning 2020, and the 2008 Abuja Call to Action, as well as national development plans.
Experiencing racism damages a person’s health by triggering the release of stress hormones and a chain of biological events that cause premature aging, which in turn increase the risk of chronic disease.
Data from the latest Demographic and Health Survey show that Tanzania did not achieve its commitment to increase the contraceptive prevalence rate to 60 percent by 2015.
Fact Sheet: Transitioning Political Support for Family Planning Into Action in the Philippines
(2018) The Philippine Population Is Outgrowing Neighboring Countries. The Philippines has the largest annual population growth rate in Southeast Asia and the current population of 105 million is expected to grow to 125.5 million by 2030.