237 Search Results Found For : " ㈓ Yohimbe ♄ ○♣○ cia351。Com }◈━★☆γ★☆━◈ ┹ 인터넷 조루방지제구매방법 ㎝ 미국정품아이코스맥스 복용방법 ㎤ 비그로스 ㆈ 비아그라 구매하는법 ┶ 비아그라 부작용 ┼ 인터넷 조루방지제 구입처 ㆊ 씨알리스 정품 구입 사이트"

Paludisme au Cambodge : malgré un recul du nombre de cas, le taux de mortalité demeure élevé

(2003) Selon l'Organisation mondiale de la Santé (OMS), chaque année près de 300 millions de personnes sont atteintes du paludisme dans le monde, avec pour résultat plus d'un million de décès.

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Project: Empowering Evidence-Driven Advocacy

Contraceptive Method Infographics Address Misconceptions

These infographics, fact sheet, and videos products will be used to help address misinformation about contraceptive methods and convince policymakers to fund family planning services.

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Report. Unintended Pregnancies in the Middle East and North Africa

(2010) Unintended pregnancies are widespread in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), jeopardizing the health and well-being of women and their families.1 These unplanned pregnancies also exert an unnecessary burden on their countries' health systems and socioeconomic development.

View Details Array ( [ID] => 14812 [id] => 14812 [title] => 06012010-youthchartbook [filename] => 06012010-youthchartbook.pdf [filesize] => 3285737 [url] => https://www.prb.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/06012010-youthchartbook.pdf [link] => https://www.prb.org/resources/improving-the-reproductive-health-of-sub-saharan-africas-youth/06012010-youthchartbook-2/ [alt] => [author] => 15 [description] => [caption] => [name] => 06012010-youthchartbook-2 [status] => inherit [uploaded_to] => 14803 [date] => 2021-01-30 17:27:49 [modified] => 2021-01-30 17:27:49 [menu_order] => 0 [mime_type] => application/pdf [type] => application [subtype] => pdf [icon] => https://www.prb.org/wp-includes/images/media/document.png ) Download (3.2 MB)

Domestic Violence in Developing Countries: An Intergenerational Crisis

(2004) A new comparative study using nationally representative information on domestic violence in nine developing countries finds that women whose fathers abused their mothers are twice as likely to suffer domestic abuse themselves.

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Project: Center for Public Information on Population Research (CPIPR)

Webinar: Where Is the Workforce? Understanding the U.S. Labor Shortage and Working Toward Solutions

PRB, the Critical Labor Coalition, and special guest former U.S. Secretary of Labor R. Alexander Acosta discuss the latest data behind the shrinking U.S. workforce and explore potential policy solutions.

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