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Project: Working Poor Families Project
Race/Ethnic Income Gap Growing Among U.S. Working Poor Families
In 2013, U.S. working families headed by racial/ethnic minorities were twice as likely to be poor or low-income (47 percent) compared with non-Hispanic whites (23 percent) according to a new report from the Working Poor Families Project in collaboration with the Population Reference Bureau (PRB).
Decline in India’s Birth Rate Slows
(March 2002) The annual count of births in India over the last few years has provided increasing evidence of a slowdown in the decline of the birth rate of the world's second most populous country.

The U.S. Population Is Growing at the Slowest Rate Since the 1930s
The pace of U.S. population growth is slowing, according to the Census Bureau’s 2018 estimates and 2020 projections, which provide a preview of 2020 Census results.
Urbanization Takes on New Dimensions in Asia’s Population Giants
(October 2001) For the first time, more half of the world's population will be living in urban areas by the end of this decade.
Not All Americans Are Smoking Less
(February 2011) The percentage of Americans who smoke tobacco has fallen dramatically over the past 50 years.
Project: IDEA: Informing Decisionmakers to Act
2014 World Population Data Sheet
PRB’s World Population Data Sheet is an annual report on the world’s demographic, health, and environmental progress and challenges.