Project: PACE: Policy, Advocacy, and Communication Enhanced for Population and Reproductive Health
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People, Health, Planet – Longstanding PRB Project Gets a New Name
For 20 years, Population Reference Bureau has been connecting human health and planetary health, to show how population dynamics (including family planning) and environmental change interact and affect human and planetary health. Our new name for this practice area is People, Health, Planet.

Project: Indicators of Well-Being for California's Children
Majority of People Covered by Medicaid and Similar Programs Are Children, Older Adults, or Disabled
Medicaid provides health insurance coverage to more people than any other single program in the United States, with coverage for low-income children, adults, seniors, and those with disabilities.
Saudi Arabia Faces Population Pressures
(2003) The recent bombings in Saudi Arabia, which killed at least 34 people, have drawn new attention to the kingdom and new pressure on the government of Crown Prince Abdullah to crack down on militant religious forces and root out their influence in schools and other key sectors.

Project: Appalachia: Demographic and Socioeconomic Trends
The Appalachian Region: A Data Overview From the 2011-2015 American Community Survey
Appalachia’s unemployment and poverty rates remain above levels seen before the economic downturn of 2007-2009, suggesting an incomplete economic recovery, especially in many of the Region’s most rural counties, according to a new PRB report for the Appalachian Regional Commission.

2017 KIDS COUNT Data Book: How Are Children Faring?
(2017) The KIDS COUNT Data Book—now in its 28th year—provides an up-to-date and detailed picture of how children are faring in the United States, nationally and in each state.

Family Planning: A Strong Investment for India
PRB collaborated with Advance Family Planning and Pathfinder International to develop a multimedia video outlining how family planning shapes women’s empowerment and community well-being.

Project: Evidence to End Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting
FGM/C Digital Data Visualization Toolkit
The series offers an introduction to data visualizations to help researchers better communicate FGM/C findings to key policy and program audiences. It covers strategies on how to present data, basic design concepts, and tools that can help improve workflow.
Family Planning Is a Crucial Investment for Kenya’s Health and Development
The Kenya Population Data Sheet 2011 provides population, health, and environment data compared over time, and among regions, wealth quintiles, and education levels.