DC’s Teenage Moms Need Their Own Moms
Despite an almost continuous decline over the past twenty years, the rate of teenage pregnancy in the United States remains substantially higher than in other industrialized nations.
Despite an almost continuous decline over the past twenty years, the rate of teenage pregnancy in the United States remains substantially higher than in other industrialized nations.
Project: Demography and Economics of Aging and Alzheimer’s Disease
Today’s Research on Aging, No. 37: Working longer can reduce public spending and enable some older workers to enter retirement with more financial security. But are older Americans healthy enough to work longer?
Project: IDEA: Informing Decisionmakers to Act
"Connecting Paths: Integrating Reproductive Health and HIV Services in Kenya" is an ENGAGE multimedia presentation that highlights the linkages between reproductive health (RH) and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) services as priorities for improving the health and well-being of Kenyans and achieving Kenya’s development goals.
(2010) Quasiment 215 millions de femmes vivant dans des pays en voie de développement souhaiteraient éviter une grossesse mais n’utilisent pas de moyen de contraception efficace.
(2015) As the world turns its attention to Paris and the global climate talks, decisionmakers are increasingly making the connection between population and climate change. Research is expanding on the contribution of population size, growth, and composition to climate change.
Project: Demography and Economics of Aging and Alzheimer’s Disease
This report summarizes recent research conducted by National Institute on Aging-supported researchers and others who have studied the effects of the recession on the health and well-being of older Americans.
(2015) Three presentations about increased childbearing outside marriage, more parents with children from more than one partner, and a shrinking share of married people in the U.S. population have brought new complexity to U.S. family life, and risks for the health and well-being of children and parents.
Project: Demographic Dividend: Ensuring Regional and National Commitment and Action
(2016) The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has experienced a period of sustained economic growth, averaging about 9 percent between 2013 and 2015.
Project: Evidence Project
(2015) A new working paper by the Evidence Project synthesizes the available research from the latest generation of population, health, and environment (PHE) projects, providing a detailed account of the benefits of integrated projects and gaps in the evidence base.