Zika Crisis Highlights Importance of Family Planning
This article looks at countries that experienced significant Zika virus transmission and how they rate in terms of unmet need for family planning satisfied by modern contraceptive methods.
This article looks at countries that experienced significant Zika virus transmission and how they rate in terms of unmet need for family planning satisfied by modern contraceptive methods.
A careful look at the data on baby boomers dispels misconceptions about their characteristics and enables policymakers to accurately assess the potential implications of their aging and retirement for U.S. society and the economy.
Project: PACE: Policy, Advocacy, and Communication Enhanced for Population and Reproductive Health
This resource package contains a new how-to video for informing family planning and reproductive health program implementers and advocates on strategies for positioning their programs to access climate adaptation funding.
Project: IDEA: Informing Decisionmakers to Act
In many developing countries, chronic poverty, repeated economic and environmental shocks, and poor health—including lack of access to and use of modern contraceptives—contribute to recurring cycles of crisis.
(2001) Desertification is most severe in Africa. Arid lands account for two-thirds of the African continent, and three-quarters of the continent's drylands that are used for agriculture have already begun to lose productivity.
Akwai damarmaki da dama a kwanaki dubu daya na farko, sanda uwa ke rainon ciki har zuwa yaye, a wannan lokaci, samin cimaka mai kyau na da mahimmanci ga yara wajen tabbatar da cewa sun kai gaci.3