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The U.S. Decennial Census and the American Community Survey: Looking Back and Looking Ahead
(April 2011) On March 24, 2011, the U.S. Census Bureau released the final 2010 Census redistricting data files for each state that will be used to redraw federal, state, and local legislative districts
Project: Center for Public Information on Population Research (CPIPR)
Family Life Is More Complicated Than Ever
(2020) The coronavirus pandemic—coupled with ongoing demographic trends—is making family life even more complicated for Americans. Millions of families are at increased risk of falling into poverty due to pandemic-related job losses, and social distancing protocols are separating some children from their parents who live in a different household.
College Enrollment Rate Increases, but Financial Challenges Bring Uncertainty
(2008) Higher education in the United States is increasingly out of reach for many young adults. Over the past decade, tuition costs at public four-year institutions have risen by 4.2 percent per year after inflation.
Research-to-Action: Reducing the Burden of Childhood Tuberculosis in the Northern Philippines
In October, Research Technical Assistance Center (RTAC) team members Dr. Reshma Naik and Dr. Jose Rodriguez hosted a weeklong Research-to-Action workshop at Isabela State University in the northern Philippines.
Project: PACE: Policy, Advocacy, and Communication Enhanced for Population and Reproductive Health
Digital Health
Explore PRB and PACE’s work at the intersection of digital health technologies and family planning programming.