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How Does the U.S. Census Bureau Count People Who Have More Than One Address?
The U.S. Census Bureau aims to count each person once—and only once—in the decennial census. It does that by determining how many people live at a every residential address.
The Grandmother Project’s New Approach to Ending Female Genital Mutilation
(2010) Female genital mutilation (FGM), also known as female genital cutting or female circumcision, is the cutting, altering, or injuring of any or all parts of the female genitalia for nonmedical purposes.
PRB Discuss Online: Environmental Change, What Are the Links With Migration?
2008) Close to 200 million people are living outside their country of birth. Increasing numbers are refugees fleeing their homeland for another country.
A Demographic Profile of U.S. Workers Around the Clock
(2008) The nature of work continues to change dramatically with the extension of work operations around the clock being one of the most striking alterations.
What Can Be Done to Protect the Chimpanzees and Other Great Apes of Africa?
(August 2006) The chimpanzees of Gombe National Park in Kigoma Region, Tanzania, have come under increased pressure from four decades of high human population growth in the region and an associated increase in human activity and disease.
Bridging High Impact Family Planning Communications and Advocacy
Investment in effective policy and program interventions for youth family planning (FP) improves the use of data and evidence for FP advocacy.