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Child Mortality Decreases Globally and Immunization Coverage Increases, Despite Unequal Access
(2009) Lack of access to quality health care and clean water and sanitation, undernutrition, and other preventable or treatable causes lead to the deaths of tens of thousands of children worldwide every day.
Obesity Creeping Up on Less Developed Countries
(2005) In the developed world, obesity is an object of everyday conversation and mounting public concern. But a silent epidemic of obesity-related diseases—among them, cardiovascular diseases, stroke, and Type-2 diabetes—is also spreading rapidly across poor and middle-income countries, where such illnesses have been overshadowed by infectious diseases and undernutrition.
Closing the Male-Female Labor Force Gap
(2007) The increase in women's participation in the U.S. labor force is one of the most important social, economic, and cultural trends of the past century.
More Than Shelter: How Housing Affordability Is Linked to Older Americans’ Health
Older adults’ housing challenges reflect social and financial inequalities and can lead to poor health.
Shaping Education on Global Health
2008) In the last five years, interest in global health education has surged.