Project: IDEA: Informing Decisionmakers to Act
193 Search Results Found For : "̷ o1_Ȼ64_ Ǯ û(SOM) ̷ Ǯ Ǯ"
Project: Center for Public Information on Population Research (CPIPR)
Anti-Poverty Tax Credits Linked to Declines in Reports of Child Neglect, Youth Violence, and Juvenile Convictions
A temporary expansion of the child tax credit helped fuel a dramatic drop in child poverty in 2021.
PRB Discuss Online: The Long-Term Effects of Childhood Poverty in the United States
(2010) Most poor children achieve less, exhibit more problem behaviors, and are less healthy than children raised in more-affluent families. Looking beyond these well-known correlations between poverty and negative outcomes in childhood, recent studies have assessed the effects of childhood poverty in the United States on later attainment and health.
The False Narrative of an Africa Unscathed by COVID-19
New research finds that African countries saw infections and deaths at rates similar to countries in other regions, contradicting official reports.
Project: IDEA: Informing Decisionmakers to Act
Rapport. Mutilations génitales féminines et excision : données et tendances (2014)
(juin 2014) Selon les estimations, de 100 millions à 140 millions de jeunes filles et de femmes dans le monde ont subi une mutilation génitale féminine ou une excision (MGF/E), et plus de 3 millions de filles courent le risque d’être excises chaque année sur le seul continent africain.
World Population Trends 2012
World population grew to 7.06 billion in mid-2012 after having passed the 7 billion mark in 2011.
How Fear and Loneliness Shape Body Chemistry and Health
(2013) The chronic stress of living in poverty, loneliness of social isolation, and fear endemic in some high-crime neighborhoods can alter gene activity and contribute to disease, according to Steve Cole, professor of medicine and behavioral sciences at University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA).
International Migration Transforms Australia
(2001) Immigration since World War II has transformed Australian society and population. Many residents of Australia are immigrants or are the children of immigrants.