13 Search Results Found For : "̸ 010_ĥ81_258 ↑ 繮ȸ ǵ ŵҾȸ Ƽȸ"

The Demographic Divide: What It Is and Why It Matters

(2005) Public attention has begun to focus on the "demographic divide," the vast gulf in birth and death rates among the world's countries.

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How People in India ‘Really’ Live

(2008) Media reports on the "exploding" middle class in India would lead any reader to believe that Indian society is undergoing a top-to-bottom transformation into a society of Western-style consumers. A recent Business Week article quoted a McKinsey Global Institute study that claimed that India, in one generation, would become a nation of upwardly mobile middle-class households, consuming goods ranging from high-end cars to designer clothing.

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Is Delhi India’s Largest City?

(November 2007) India is both a highly rural country, with the large majority of its population living in villages, and home to some of the world’s largest metropolitan areas.

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