596 Search Results Found For : "Дизайн Человека Виктория Джем Рейтинговый Эксперт Дизайн Человека Human Design metahd.ru"
Fertility Decline and Reproductive Health in Morocco: New DHS Figures
(2006) The "fertility transition"—the shift from large to small families that demographers have observed throughout much of the world—has been remarkably rapid in Morocco, according to a recently released demographic and health survey on that country.
Project: Combatting Noncommunicable Disease Risk Factors in Youth
Noncommunicable Diseases and Youth: A Critical Window of Opportunity for Latin America/Caribbean
(2013) Noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) are a global problem, and the burden they place on individuals and health systems is high and increasing.
World Population Highlights 2007: Migration
2007) In 2005, about 191 million people—3 percent of the world's population—were international migrants, according to UN estimates.
Report. Abandoning Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting: An In-Depth Look at Promising Practices
Achieving a Demographic Dividend
Project: Center for Public Information on Population Research (CPIPR)
Children of Incarcerated Parents
The United States has more than 2 million people behind bars, and 45 percent were living with their children before they were imprisoned. U.S. children of incarcerated parents are an extremely vulnerable group, and much more likely to have behavioral problems and physical and mental health conditions than their peers.
How Changing Age Structure and Urbanization Will Affect Food Security in Sub-Saharan Africa
(2012) Sub-Saharan Africa's population will likely more than double by 2050 even if fertility drops steadily, from 856 million today to almost 2 billion people.1 There will be more than twice as many people to feed in a region that already faces great food security challenges.
Population Bulletin, vol. 62, no. 3: World Population Highlights 2007–Migration
2007) In 2005, about 191 million people—3 percent of the world's population—were international migrants, according to UN estimates.