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The Backdrop: Rising Inequality in the U.S.
(2014) Countries around the world are paying more attention to inequality as an indicator of social and economic well-being.
Integrating Reproductive Health and HIV Services: Fact Sheet
(2011) Many studies have recommended integrating reproductive health and HIV services because sexually active individuals have overlapping needs: They are at risk of both unintended pregnancies and HIV infection. A 2009 World Health Organization review of the studies on this issue found that integrating family planning and HIV services leads to higher-quality and better-used services and is cost-effective.
PRB Discuss Online: Child Poverty in America
(2009) The percent of children in poverty (19 percent based on data released on Sept. 10 by the U.S. Census Bureau) is far higher than that of the working-age population or the elderly.
U.S. Census Shows Different Paths for Domestic and Foreign-Born Migrants
(2002) America has always been a country on the move, and its growing immigrant population has added to that mobility. Yet recently released Census 2000 place-of-birth data show that the native-born population is moving to a different set of states than the traditional immigrant gateways — California, Texas, New York, Florida, Illinois, and New Jersey — that continue to show the largest foreign-born gains.
Patterns of Poverty in America
(2002) New data from the U.S. Census Bureau show that 12.4 percent of the U.S. population — about 34 million people — were below the poverty level in 1999.* The data, which include the first information available from the 2000 Census long form, show wide disparities in poverty levels among states and local areas.
Benefits From Integrating Family Planning Into Other Development Sectors
(2014) Increasingly, development workers, program planners, and donors are recognizing the benefits of integrating family planning (FP) with other sectors. More research is needed, however, on the effectiveness of multisectoral programs.
PopWire: Child Well-Being in Developed Countries
(2007) Child Poverty in Perspective: An Overview of Child Well-Being in Rich Countries, was published by the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and included countries from the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development.
Project: PACE: Policy, Advocacy, and Communication Enhanced for Population and Reproductive Health