Project: Center for Public Information on Population Research (CPIPR)
Webinar: How Women Became America’s Safety Net (PRB Book Talk)
A conversation with author Jessica Calarco on her new book, Holding It Together
Project: Center for Public Information on Population Research (CPIPR)
A conversation with author Jessica Calarco on her new book, Holding It Together
(2010) Perhaps the greatest satisfaction for a journalist is to see one's reporting produce positive change. Journalists are the link between policymakers and the public, and their role as watchdog is to monitor the actions of government and hold those in charge accountable.
Project: IDEA: Informing Decisionmakers to Act
(2014) News reporting in the past year by PRB's Women's Edition participants has been instrumental in exposing violence against women to authorities in Kenya and Pakistan and forging a path to justice for women who were raped.
(April 2002) For the same reason that a picture is worth a thousand words, maps are important tools for communicating information and for analyzing data in a spatial context.
Yemi Omoshola, a woman from Lagos State, in southwestern Nigeria, needed blood desperately. Her doctor's attempts to induce delivery of her overdue baby had caused excessive bleeding. Unfortunately, the hospital had no blood bank. While her husband searched for blood, Mrs. Omoshola lost consciousness and died.
(2009) "Honor Killings" claim the lives of at least 5,000 women each year in traditional societies around the world; many more women live under the fear of these attacks.
Project: PACE: Policy, Advocacy, and Communication Enhanced for Population and Reproductive Health