548 Search Results Found For : "❤️ Incontri per me: www.Dating4Me.site ❤️ Las Bergamo Pof Dating"

Black Women, Gay and Bisexual Men Face High HIV Risks in U.S., Canada

(September 2001) Two decades into the AIDS epidemic in North America, the face of AIDS is darker and increasingly female.

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Paludisme au Cambodge : malgré un recul du nombre de cas, le taux de mortalité demeure élevé

(2003) Selon l'Organisation mondiale de la Santé (OMS), chaque année près de 300 millions de personnes sont atteintes du paludisme dans le monde, avec pour résultat plus d'un million de décès.

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Evidence to End Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting

PRB was a partner on Evidence to End FGM/C: Research to Help Girls and Women Thrive, a UKAID-funded research program to end female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C) within one generation.

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Poverty and Inequality Pervasive in Two-Fifths of U.S. Counties

By looking at the intersection of poverty and inequality in local areas—and how this has changed over time—we can produce a more complete picture of U.S. economic health.

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Project: American Community Survey and Decennial Census Support Services

Citizenship Question Risks a 2020 Census Undercount in Every State, Especially Among Children

The addition of a citizenship question to the 2020 Census may put almost one in 10 U.S. households and nearly 45 million people at greater risk of not being counted―the question has been shown to reduce response rates. Undercount risk is particularly high among young children.

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