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Tables. 2020 Census Self-Response Rates By Risk of Undercounting Young Children, June 18-25, 2020
Self-response rates are lowest in neighborhoods with high concentrations of racial and ethnic minorities in the young child population, which could mean fewer dollars for communities that need funds the most.
Population Bulletin vol 75. no.1 : An Introduction to Demography
PRB’s latest Population Bulletin provides a basic understanding of demography and demographic processes, including fertility, mortality, and migration, and their effects on the world.
Infographic. U.S. Regional Population Losses Linked to High Unemployment
(2009) High unemployment rates are not just creating a drag on the U.S. economy, but are also linked to lagging population growth in economically distressed areas, according to a PRB analysis of data from the U.S. Census Bureau.
Understanding and Using Population Projections
Government policymakers and planners around the world use population projections to gauge future demand for food, water, energy, and services, and to forecast future demographic characteristics.
Project: IDEA: Informing Decisionmakers to Act
Kenya Population Data Sheet 2011
Project: IDEA: Informing Decisionmakers to Act
Kenya Population Data Sheet 2011 (PDF)
Poverty in America: Beyond Welfare Reform
(2002) Throughout its history, the United States has struggled with the paradox of poverty amidst affluence. Why do so many people struggle economically in a nation blessed, by almost any international or historical standard, with abundant opportunities?
Should We Despair Over the Demographic Divide?
We must hold two things to be true: Populations are rapidly shrinking and rapidly booming—just in different places.