92 Search Results Found For : "잠실동외국인출장안마【TALK:ZA31】려수참술원"

The Role of Intergenerational Land Transfers and Education in Fertility Transition in Rural Kenya

(2010) Little is known about the role of land inheritance in the link between land availability and fertility. The recent transition from high to lower levels of fertility in some African countries presents an opportunity to clarify the underlying causes of this decline, since the individuals involved in the transitions are still alive.

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Africa’s Future: Improving the Health of Mothers and Children

(2009) Every year, 265,000 mothers die in childbirth and 4.5 million children die before the age of 5 from preventable causes in sub-Saharan Africa. To discuss these stark facts and the benefits of family planning programs for the health of mothers and children, three researchers were part of a congressional briefing on June 5, 2009.

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How Family Planning Could Help Slow Climate Change

(2015) In the mid-1990s, I served as a Peace Corps volunteer in a village in Niger, a West African country consistently ranked as one of the poorest in the world. I lived in a mud hut, learned a local language, made lasting friendships and did interesting work.

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Early Childhood Nutrition And Economic Benefits

(2008) Experts agree that nutrition has a significant impact on child health, growth, and development in the first two years of a child's life. A recently published Lancet article highlights the effect of early childhood nutrition on not only the health of children, but also on their productivity as adults.

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Gender-Based Violence Increases Risk of HIV/AIDS for Women in Sub-Saharan Africa

(2011) Approximately 68 percent of people infected with HIV worldwide live in sub-Saharan Africa, where the virus disproportionately affects women.

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How Fear and Loneliness Shape Body Chemistry and Health

(2013) The chronic stress of living in poverty, loneliness of social isolation, and fear endemic in some high-crime neighborhoods can alter gene activity and contribute to disease, according to Steve Cole, professor of medicine and behavioral sciences at University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA).

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Small Successes, Big Ideas — Jamaica’s Adolescent Reproductive Health Focus

(2003) The successes are real, but they're small compared to the task: reaching the half-million adolescents who form some 20 percent of this island's 2.5 million population and enabling them to adopt healthier sexual lifestyles.

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