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Depression a Leading Contributor to Global Burden of Disease

(2006) Although mental health is a sensitive topic the world over, the prevalence of mental illness and its consequences can no longer be overlooked. While mental disorders include a range of illnesses (such as anxiety, schizophrenia, and autism), depression is the most common and is pervasive worldwide.

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El Salvador Survey Shows Lower Fertility, Increased Contraceptive Use

(2010) Women of childbearing age in El Salvador are having fewer children and using more family planning, with a recent increase in the use of injectable contraceptives.

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Health Care Challenges for Developing Countries with Aging Populations

(April 2006) Populations in developing countries will be aging rapidly in the coming decades: The number of older persons (those age 65 or older) in less developed countries is expected to increase from 249 million to 690 million between 2000 and 2030.

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The Changing Demographics of Roman Catholics

(August 2005) The April 2005 death of Pope John Paul II and the weeks leading to the selection of his replacement stimulated much thought and discussion about who the new pope would be and in which directions he would lead the world's 1.1 billion Roman Catholics.

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