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U.S. House Seats Are Shifting South and West Based on Population Changes

The Census Bureau’s state-level population estimates for 2018 provide a window into the potential redistribution of seats in the U.S. House of Representatives when the 2020 Census numbers are released.

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Obesity Creeping Up on Less Developed Countries

(2005) In the developed world, obesity is an object of everyday conversation and mounting public concern. But a silent epidemic of obesity-related diseases—among them, cardiovascular diseases, stroke, and Type-2 diabetes—is also spreading rapidly across poor and middle-income countries, where such illnesses have been overshadowed by infectious diseases and undernutrition.

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Making Maps: The Untold Story

(April 2002) For the same reason that a picture is worth a thousand words, maps are important tools for communicating information and for analyzing data in a spatial context.

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Project: American Community Survey and Decennial Census Support Services

Children Are at the Forefront of U.S. Racial and Ethnic Change

(2020) The U.S. population is undergoing rapid racial and ethnic change, led by growth of the Hispanic/Latino and Asian American populations. For policymakers and others, keeping track of these changes is important because some racial and ethnic groups are faring worse than others.

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Rural America Is Aging—Without Enough Care Workers

Faced with a deficit of nursing assistants and home health aides, rural areas lack the workforce they need for people to age in place, new research finds.

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Child Mortality Decreases Globally and Immunization Coverage Increases, Despite Unequal Access

(2009) Lack of access to quality health care and clean water and sanitation, undernutrition, and other preventable or treatable causes lead to the deaths of tens of thousands of children worldwide every day.

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PRB Discuss Online: The Middle East Youth Bulge, Causes and Consequences

(2008) Recent demographic trends have created a youth bulge in the Middle East and North Africa, with nearly one in every five people age 15 to 24. Despite its oil wealth and improved health and education systems, the region's political, social, and economic systems still do not meet the needs of this rapidly growing young population.

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Project: Demography and Economics of Aging and Alzheimer’s Disease

The Demography of Dementia and Dementia Caregiving

Dementia is one of the nation’s most expensive old-age health conditions and the most time consuming for family caregivers.

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PRB Discuss Online: Finding Ways to Improve Child Health

(2008) Each year, nearly 10 million children die, mostly from preventable and treatable causes. Millions of children in low-income countries suffer from long-term illnesses, malnutrition, and injuries that limit their life options. What can we do to improve children's health and save lives in low-income countries? What are the links to mother's health?

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