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In the News: The Philippines Mudslide

(2006) On February 17, a devastating landslide killed an estimated 1,800 Filipinos in Guinsaugon on the southern part of Leyte Island in eastern Philippines.

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Project: PACE: Policy, Advocacy, and Communication Enhanced for Population and Reproductive Health

Future Trends in Fertility Will Shape the Demographic Window of Opportunity in USAID Priority Countries

A country’s age structure is primarily driven by its past fertility trends, which have important economic, social, and political implications.

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Vasectomy an Option for African Men in Family Planning

(2011) "Vasectomy is like putting money in the bank. [It] is a long-term investment, money you [would] have otherwise used to buy expensive birth control methods," says Dr. Charles Ochieng, a medical doctor in Kenya.

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Population Losses Mount in U.S. Rural Areas

(2008) Despite rapid population growth in parts of the U.S. South and West, 43 percent of all counties lost population since 2000-nearly twice the number of counties that lost population during the 1990s (1,346 counties vs. 689 counties).

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Project: Demography and Economics of Aging and Alzheimer’s Disease

Coronavirus Stress and Fear

Stress and fear during coronavirus social isolation can alter gene activity in ways that affect your immune system, but doing good deeds can bolster health.

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PopWire: Younger U.S. Baby Boomers Less Likely to Divorce by 40 Than Older Boomers

(2007) The share of baby-boomer men who divorced by age 40 fell from a high of 29.2 percent of those born from 1945 to 1949 to 25.4 percent of later baby boomers born between 1960 and 1964.

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What’s a Household? What’s a Family?

Individuals relate to society through their families and households. When these units add or lose members — or when the household members grow older, divorce, or marry — there can be profound social and economic consequences.

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PRB Discuss Online: Managing Unauthorized Migration

(2008) Unauthorized migration is a major issue in the United States and many other countries, sometimes generating intense publicity and debate.

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PRB Discuss Online: Africa’s Demographic Challenges

(2012) Of the 48 least developed countries in the world, 33 are located in sub-Saharan Africa. At the same time, this region stands out with the highest birth rates in the world.

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Population and Food Security: Africa’s Challenge (Part 2)

(2012) Almost two of every three people in sub-Saharan Africa live in a rural area, relying principally on small-scale agriculture for their livelihood. Improving agriculture on small farms is critical to reducing hunger.

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