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PRB Discuss Online: Integrating Family Planning and HIV Programs

(2010) There is an urgent need for stronger links between family planning/reproductive health and HIV policies, programs, and services.

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U.S. 2020 Census FAQ

The Census counts every person who usually lives in the United States. They don’t have to be a U.S. citizen, but they do have to call this country their primary home.

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The Baltics: Demographic Challenges and Independence

(2000) Latvia, Estonia, and Lithuania are in the midst of a transition to independence after nearly 50 years of domination by the Soviet Union. Some of the first laws passed by the newly independent governments placed strict limits on who could become a citizen and actively promoted use of the native languages.

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States in the West and South Are Set to Gain Political Clout

(2009) Population trends since 2000 suggest that states in the South and West will gain additional seats in the U.S. House of Representatives after the 2010 Census.

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The State of Metropolitan America

(2010) The State of Metropolitan America, by the Brookings Institution's Metropolitan Policy Program, identifies five demographic trends and developments that dominated the first decade of the 2000s in the 100 largest metro areas of the United States.

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Racial and Socioeconomic Disparities in Old-Age Disability in the U.S.

(2010) Disability in older Americans affects the entire population of the United States because of its impact on the level of health care spending, especially spending on long-term care.

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