489 Search Results Found For : " "

Premature Births Help Explain Higher U.S. Infant Mortality Rate

(2009) The United States—one of the world's wealthiest countries—consistently has higher infant mortality rates than most other developed countries. In 2005, 29 countries had lower rates, including Cuba and Poland.

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The Baltics: Demographic Challenges and Independence

(2000) Latvia, Estonia, and Lithuania are in the midst of a transition to independence after nearly 50 years of domination by the Soviet Union. Some of the first laws passed by the newly independent governments placed strict limits on who could become a citizen and actively promoted use of the native languages.

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STI Risks High Among Zimbabwe’s Youth

(2003) With young people comprising a sizable proportion of Zimbabwe's population, government officials, health workers, and community leaders face the overwhelming task of meeting the reproductive health needs for this special group.

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In the News: The Philippines Mudslide

(2006) On February 17, a devastating landslide killed an estimated 1,800 Filipinos in Guinsaugon on the southern part of Leyte Island in eastern Philippines.

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Project: PACE: Policy, Advocacy, and Communication Enhanced for Population and Reproductive Health

Webinar on Contraceptive Method Choice

Successful family planning programs adopt strategies that expand informed, voluntary contraceptive choice.

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Higher Education Means Lower Mortality Rates

(2002) When asked to list the benefits of a college education, most people name higher incomes and a rich intellectual life. Now it is clear that better health should be added to the list.

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Afghan Women and Men Far Apart in Literacy

(2000) The gap in male-female literacy in Afghanistan, which will undoubtedly widen as a result of the current government's draconian policies, offers a striking illustration of women's marginal status in that country.

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Sex Workers Promote AIDS Awareness in Senegal

(2000) Senegal's AIDS community turns out in force when the local women's association, called AWA, holds its board meetings. UN advisors, medical personnel, representatives from nongovernmental organizations, and the National AIDS Program come to honor the women for their frontline position in the fight against AIDS.

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Chronic Diseases Do Affect Youth

(2011) It may seem odd to put "youth" and "chronic diseases" in the same category. Worldwide, not many young people currently suffer from chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, stroke, cancer, and lung disease, so why worry?

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Project: PACE: Policy, Advocacy, and Communication Enhanced for Population and Reproductive Health

Integrating Population, Health, and Environment for Sustainable Development in Kenya

An ENGAGE presentation that serves as an advocacy tool to promote integrated population, health, and environment (PHE) approaches, and the value of family planning/reproductive health (FP/RH) investments by decisionmakers in health and nonhealth sectors, such as natural resource management and conservation.

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