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World Population Trends 2012

World population grew to 7.06 billion in mid-2012 after having passed the 7 billion mark in 2011.

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Population Aging Impact Differs Across Countries

People are living longer and having fewer children, but the impact of this differs among nations.

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Fertility Declining in the Middle East and North Africa

(April 2008) The Middle East and North Africa includes some of the world's fastest growing countries, and the region as a whole saw its population quadruple in the second part of the 20th century, from 104 million to 400 million.

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Continuity and Change in the U.S. Decennial Census

The first nation in the world to take a regular population census, the United States has been counting its population every 10 years since 1790—as required by the U.S. Constitution (Article I, Section 2).

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Strengthening Evidence-Based Policy to Expand Access to Safe Abortion (SAFE ENGAGE)

Supporting safe abortion access by providing the latest data and strengthening evidence-based advocacy and reporting.

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Center for Public Information on Population Research (CPIPR)

The Center for Public Information on Population Research at PRB helps improve the translation and dissemination of major findings from population dynamics research and the communication and cooperation across the NICHD Population Dynamics Research Centers.

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Latinos Claim Larger Share of U.S. Military Personnel

(2007) More than 35 million Americans identify as Hispanic, making them the country's largest ethnic minority. However, Latinos have been underrepresented in the all-volunteer armed forces, especially among officers.

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