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Demographic Forecasting Services—AMBAG
PRB produces high-quality demographic and socioeconomic forecasts for use in regional planning.

Project: Demography and Economics of Aging and Alzheimer’s Disease
Aging and Health in China: What Can We Learn From the World’s Largest Population of Older People?
The United Nations projects that there will be 366 million older Chinese adults by 2050, which is substantially larger than the current total U.S. population of 331 million.
Working Poor Families Project
We help to produce state-level estimates of the number and characteristics of low-income and poor working families using data from the American Community Survey and the Current Population Survey.
PRB analyzes data and provides expertise to the Annie E. Casey Foundation to track the status of children’s well-being in the United States, including data presented in the KIDS COUNT Data Book and the KIDS COUNT Data Center.