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What Is Poverty, Really? The Case of India
(2010) Countries struggle with measuring their poverty populations, a figure that often determines the distribution of public assistance funds to those in need.

China Releases First 2010 Census Results
(2011) China, the world's only other "demographic billionaire," along with India, released the results of its Nov. 1, 2010 Census on April 28.
Racial Inequalities in Managerial and Professional Jobs
(2001) Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 sought to reduce racial inequality by eliminating discrimination in the labor market.
2011 Census Shows How 1.3 Billion People in India Live
An attention-getting headline in the major Indian daily newspaper, The Hindu recently observed: "Half of India's homes have mobile phones, but not toilets."
U.S. Megalopolises 50 Years Later
(2011) Exactly 50 years ago, geographer Jean Gottmann coined the term "megalopolis" to describe the sprawling regional mega-city taking shape between Boston and Washington, D.C., gobbling up rural areas in its wake.
21st Century Will Transform World Population
(2001) It is now clear that the 21st century will feature a major transformation in world population.
Population Growth Continues to Hinder Nepal’s Economic Progress
(2002) Wedged between the world's two population billionaires, China and India, Nepal is struggling with its own population pressures.