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PRB Discuss Online: A Call to Action: Increasing Global Investments in Youth
(2010) With almost half of the world's population under age 25, investments in young people are vital to improve economic and social outcomes and achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).
PRB Discuss Online: Are Some U.S. Generations Luckier Than Others?
(2009) Unique events, political climates, and social and economic conditions shape each new generation in every society.
PRB Discuss Online: Managing Unauthorized Migration
(2008) Unauthorized migration is a major issue in the United States and many other countries, sometimes generating intense publicity and debate.
PRB Discuss Online: Population and National Security
(2011) In her new book, The Future Faces of War: Population and National Security, author Jennifer Dabbs Sciubba argues that the future of warfare will be shaped by demographic trends in fertility, mortality, and migration.
PRB Discuss Online: How Are Latino Children Doing in the United States?
(2010) Over the past 20 years, the number of Latino children under age 18 living in the United States has doubled, making them one of the fastest-growing segments of the national population.