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PRB Discuss Online: What Is Your ‘Race’? A Question Increasingly Difficult to Answer
(2010) The concept of "race" has always been controversial, given ugly associations with slavery, the eugenics movement, and racism.
Population Bulletin, vol. 63, no. 1: Managing Migration–The Global Challenge
(March 2008) The number of international migrants is at an all-time high. There were 191 million migrants in 2005, which means that 3 percent of the world's people left their country of birth or citizenship for a year or more.
PRB Discuss Online: Are the News Media Holding Governments Accountable on Promises to Improve Public Health?
(2010) Perhaps the greatest satisfaction for a journalist is to see one's reporting produce positive change. Journalists are the link between policymakers and the public, and their role as watchdog is to monitor the actions of government and hold those in charge accountable.
The Plight of Internally Displaced Persons
(2005) Americans perched on punctured rooftops in the blazing sun for days. Others slogged through rising floodwaters. And many others rushed inland before the storm hit, only to remain homeless weeks later, unable to return to their ruined homes.
Managing Migration: The Global Challenge
(March 2008) The number of international migrants is at an all-time high. There were 191 million migrants in 2005, which means that 3 percent of the world's people left their country of birth or citizenship for a year or more.
PRB Discuss Online: Demographic Divide, Diverging Population Growth Trends
September 2008) More than 80 million people were added to the world's population in 2008, which ensures continued growth in coming decades.
Fertility Decline and Reproductive Health in Morocco: New DHS Figures
(2006) The "fertility transition"—the shift from large to small families that demographers have observed throughout much of the world—has been remarkably rapid in Morocco, according to a recently released demographic and health survey on that country.
PRB Discuss Online: U.S. Economic and Social Trends
(2010) During the current U.S. recession, homeownership and mobility rates have dropped; poverty has increased; and commuting patterns have shifted toward greener, more cost-effective options.