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Counting Women’s Work

With support from the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, PRB is working to expand local analysis of women’s unpaid care work and stakeholder engagement in African countries.

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Promoting Healthy Behaviors Among Youth to Tackle Kenya’s Growing Noncommunicable Diseases Epidemic

Kenya is experiencing a growing epidemic of noncommunicable diseases (NCDs). A window of opportunity exists to address the four key NCD risk behaviors ( tobacco use, alcohol use, unhealthy diet, physical inactivity) in Kenya's large and growing youth population.

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Mortalité maternelle : l’une des principales causes de décès au Cambodge

(2003) La maternité est une période qui devrait être faite d'anticipation et de bonheur pour une femme, sa famille et sa communauté.

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Why Self-Care Matters in Crisis: Insights from Our Interviews With Organizations in Africa

Self-care advocates have more work to do to clarify the utility of self-care and the importance of self-care approaches in conflict settings.

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Public Policy, Financial Decisions, and the Health of Older Adults

(2009) The financial decisions facing older adults as they reach retirement age are increasingly more difficult.

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