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PRB Discuss Online: Have Reproductive Health Voucher Programs Improved Equity, Efficiency, and Impact?

(2011) Vouchers are frequently mentioned as a promising alternative finance mechanism to achieve a variety of goals in health systems and reproductive health services. Do vouchers work?

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PRB Discuss Online: Abandoning Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting

(2009) As many as 140 million girls and women worldwide have undergone female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C), and more than 3 million girls are at risk for cutting each year on the African continent alone.

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Florida Poised to Pass New York as Nation’s 3rd Most-Populous State

When the U.S. Census Bureau releases its 2014 state population estimates later this month, the new figures may confirm a demographic milestone: that Florida has passed New York as the third most-populous state in the United States.

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World Population Highlights 2007: Urbanization

(September 2007) The world is on the verge of a shift: from predominantly rural to mainly urban.

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PRB Discuss Online: Integrating Family Planning and Maternal/Child Health Services in Russia

(2011) Around the globe, family planning has been integrated with maternal and child health services for some years, even decades. In countries where integration is a key element of the health system, birth rates have fallen as more women have been able to avoid unintended pregnancies.

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PRB Discuss Online: The Long-Term Effects of Childhood Poverty in the United States

(2010) Most poor children achieve less, exhibit more problem behaviors, and are less healthy than children raised in more-affluent families. Looking beyond these well-known correlations between poverty and negative outcomes in childhood, recent studies have assessed the effects of childhood poverty in the United States on later attainment and health.

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PRB Discuss Online: The Increasing Complexity of Family Life in the United States

(2011) Today, Americans are more likely to marry and to divorce than in almost any other Western nation. How has this pattern changed over the last 10 years?

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Breakthrough RESEARCH

Breakthrough RESEARCH accelerates social and behavior change (SBC) by conducting state-of-the-art research and evaluation and promoting evidence-based solutions to improve health and development programs around the world.

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PRB Discuss Online: The Middle East Youth Bulge, Causes and Consequences

(2008) Recent demographic trends have created a youth bulge in the Middle East and North Africa, with nearly one in every five people age 15 to 24. Despite its oil wealth and improved health and education systems, the region's political, social, and economic systems still do not meet the needs of this rapidly growing young population.

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