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PRB Discuss Online: Integrating Equity Goals Into Family Planning Policies and Development Agendas

(2010) Policies are the foundation for building high-quality, sustainable family planning programs. However, while countries aspire to enhance equity and alleviate poverty, they all too often fail to articulate clear equity-based goals for family planning policies and strategies.

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PRB Discuss Online: Birth Defects, a Hidden Toll for Developing Countries

(2009) Each year, an estimated 9 million infants are born with a serious birth defect that may kill them or result in a lifelong disability. Such birth defects have an especially severe effect on children in developing countries.

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PRB Discuss Online: Combating Malaria, a First-Hand Account From Congo

(2008) The global health community is mounting an unprecedented effort against the deadly scourge of malaria.

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PRB Discuss Online: Engaging Men in the Fight to End Violence Against Women

(2009) One in three women will experience an act of violence in their lifetime, whether it is domestic and interpersonal violence; sexual violence; violence in the name of "culture" or tradition; or systemic violence, as in the use of rape as an instrument of war.

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PRB Discuss Online: Are the News Media Holding Governments Accountable on Promises to Improve Public Health?

(2010) Perhaps the greatest satisfaction for a journalist is to see one's reporting produce positive change. Journalists are the link between policymakers and the public, and their role as watchdog is to monitor the actions of government and hold those in charge accountable.

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PRB Discuss Online: U.S. Economic and Social Trends

(2010) During the current U.S. recession, homeownership and mobility rates have dropped; poverty has increased; and commuting patterns have shifted toward greener, more cost-effective options.

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PRB Discuss Online: Mobilizing Youth in the Development Process

(2011) At the start of the UN International Year of Youth in August 2010, UN Focal Point on Youth Nicola Shepherd stated: "The International Year is about advancing the full and effective participation of youth in all aspects of society...we encourage all sectors of society to work in partnership with youth and youth organizations to better understand their needs and concerns and to recognize the contributions that they can make to society."

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PRB Discuss Online: What Are the Financial Implications of Aging in the United States?

(2008) The U.S. population is aging: The ratio of elderly to the working-age population in the United States will roughly double over the next few decades, straining the finances of the U.S. Social Security system and other government programs.

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