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Mozambique Struggles to Shake Off Effects of Civil Strife

(2003) The lingering effects of a long civil war, climatic changes, and infectious diseases represent major threats to life in the southern African nation of Mozambique, where 17.5 million people live, the vast majority in rural poverty.

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Health Care Challenges for Developing Countries with Aging Populations

(April 2006) Populations in developing countries will be aging rapidly in the coming decades: The number of older persons (those age 65 or older) in less developed countries is expected to increase from 249 million to 690 million between 2000 and 2030.

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Gender and Equity in Access to Health Care Services in the Middle East and North Africa

(2006)The Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region has experienced major improvements in health over the past few decades.1 Today, on average, a girl born in Egypt is expected to live for 72 years—nearly 20 years longer than if she had been born in the early 1970s—owing in large part to a 70 percent improvement in infant mortality rates over the same time period.

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PRB Discuss Online: Environment, Poverty, and Security in Today’s World, What’s Population Got to Do With It?

(2007) How are environmental, poverty, and security trends in today's world affected by population dynamics? What is being done to address these issues? What is needed?

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Report. Población y escasez de agua en Oriente Medio y África septentrional

(2002) The Middle East and North Africa (MENA)* is the most water-scarce region of the world. Home to 6.3 percent of the world's population, the region contains only 1.4 percent of the world's renewable fresh water.

View Details Array ( [ID] => 11898 [id] => 11898 [title] => MENAWater_SP [filename] => MENAWater_SP.pdf [filesize] => 523879 [url] => https://www.prb.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/MENAWater_SP.pdf [link] => https://www.prb.org/resources/report-population-and-water-scarcity-in-the-middle-east-and-north-africa/menawater_sp-2/ [alt] => [author] => 15 [description] => [caption] => [name] => menawater_sp-2 [status] => inherit [uploaded_to] => 11894 [date] => 2021-01-12 04:02:05 [modified] => 2021-01-12 04:02:05 [menu_order] => 0 [mime_type] => application/pdf [type] => application [subtype] => pdf [icon] => https://www.prb.org/wp-includes/images/media/document.png ) Download (0.5 MB)

Report. Population and Water Scarcity in the Middle East and North Africa

(2002) The Middle East and North Africa (MENA)* is the most water-scarce region of the world. Home to 6.3 percent of the world's population, the region contains only 1.4 percent of the world's renewable fresh water.

View Details Array ( [ID] => 11900 [id] => 11900 [title] => FindingTheBalance_Eng [filename] => FindingTheBalance_Eng.pdf [filesize] => 788635 [url] => https://www.prb.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/FindingTheBalance_Eng.pdf [link] => https://www.prb.org/resources/report-population-and-water-scarcity-in-the-middle-east-and-north-africa/findingthebalance_eng-2/ [alt] => [author] => 15 [description] => Population and Water Scarcity in the Middle East and North Africa [caption] => [name] => findingthebalance_eng-2 [status] => inherit [uploaded_to] => 11894 [date] => 2021-01-12 04:02:11 [modified] => 2021-01-12 04:03:27 [menu_order] => 0 [mime_type] => application/pdf [type] => application [subtype] => pdf [icon] => https://www.prb.org/wp-includes/images/media/document.png ) Download (0.8 MB)

Finding the Balance: Population and Water Scarcity in the Middle East and North Africa

(2002) The Middle East and North Africa (MENA)* is the most water-scarce region of the world. Home to 6.3 percent of the world's population, the region contains only 1.4 percent of the world's renewable fresh water.

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